
What's the best ecommerce software?

The best ecommerce software maximizes YOUR profit potential with the least amount of effort. Meaning, the software you choose should streamline your business operation out-of-the-box as much as possible. By addressing the specific requirements of your operation, much of your time and resources will be saved thereby allowing you to focus your energy on running your business. It's important that you choose a software that is efficient to your current requirements, and equally as important, an ecommerce software that is flexible to further accommodate your needs in the future as your business grows.

Determine your needs
A merchant who wants to sell custom computers will have different software feature requirements than a merchant who wants to sell an ebook on how to build custom computers. An ecommerce software has two sections: the back-end (administration system) and the front-end (storefront); much like a real store having an employee-only area and the shopping area for customers. I recommend making a list of the features you need categorized by priority. Start by listing your "must have" features followed by the "good to have" and "bonus" features for both the back-end and the front-end of the software.

Once you've compiled your list, it's time to visit your favorite search engine and begin your quest! Many software providers have online demos available, although due to security reasons and to prevent abuse, some features may be disabled. There are also software providers that allow you to download and test drive the software on your server.

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