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Custom embroidery: Patches

By Carla under Embroidery on Sunday, April 9, 2006 

I’m trying to learn how to do patches for embroidery and I must say it’s much easier than I originally thought. It’s not a piece of cake mind you, but not that difficult either. I would always turn down orders or make excuses whenever I was asked to do embroidered patches, but no more!

I finally decided to learn doing patches after talking with another embroiderer on the subject. She made lots of convincing points and now looking back, I regret not starting much sooner. Oh well.

Two points why you should do embroidered patches:

  1. No wasted clothing. If you screw up with a patch, you simply throw it away. No stress no mess and not much money lost (ok you’ve lost cents). When embroidering finished clothing and you screw up, most likely that piece of clothing is ruined; clothing costs much, much more than a single patch. If the item is quite expensive, maybe you’ll spend tons of time trying to fix it, but it’s not always successful and plus, you’ll loose a lot of time doing so. Time is gold.
  2. No puckering and much more details in the embroidery design. You’ll have a lot more freedom with embroidering designs on patches. Embroidering directly on clothing means more consideration must be taken in order to eliminate puckering. This means modifications in the embroidery design that usually leads to loss of details.

Once I can do patches efficiently, I’ll make another post with instructions on how I’m able to do it. No guarantees that it will be the best way to do patches though. :)

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