Mojo Brothers Need a Heat Press!

Hi all!

My brothers and I drive trucks for a living and go to scifi conventions and throw parties for a hobby.

We give away a lot of booze and sell a few Tshirts and other merch and generally have a great if somewhat blurry time.

Now last weekend the wife wanted me to get her some new dirt at the hardware store for her flowerbeds, I pointed out to her that we were surrounded by dirt all we had to do was convince the teenagers to grab a shovel and dig it up, now I thought this was a perfectly logical solution to the dirt problem but she informed me in short order that if I gave the teens a shovel and free license to dig holes in her yard I would end up with the shovel upside my head.

So, I looked in the back of the pickup and realized that if I was gonna have room for gawd knows how many bags of special flower bed dirt I was gonna have to empty the camper out of important Mojo inventory. What I discovered was that every show we go to, we end up with some shirts that don't sell. And after 20 years of throwin parties I had a crapload of dead inventory.

That evening, sitting round the bonfire and nursing a bad case of sunburn, I brought it up to my brothers that we need a better solution for makin our shirts so we don't end up with the extra's.
After at least 30 minutes of youtube research and a couple jugs of our finest, we came up with the perfect solution! A heat press and cutter that we could take to the shows with us! We can make the shirts on demand and not have any extra's after the show.

Monday, I gave our Screenprinting and Embroidery shop a call and proposed our brilliant plan to him. I was kinda expecting him to collapse with paroxysms of laughter and tell me to leave that kinda stuff to the experts, but he actually rubbed his chin awhile and said, “ya know, if you will follow the directions to the letter ya might be able to pull this off”

So here we are... on his suggestions we are looking for the following:

1 used Hotronix press, (we are pretty flexible on exactly which one)
1 Roland cutter 20 inch (gx something or other)
1 eager teenager that gets up early in the morning and is willing to work all day
wives that recognize the brilliance of our plan and support us without laughter

I ain’t counting on the last two but if we could find the cutter and press I think we would have a good start.

So if any of you might have a press and cutter that need to find a new home let us know here!

Mojo George

United States