Thinking of buying a 2002 SWF 6 head 12 needle Embroidery Machine

I have found a used 2002 SWF 6 head 12 needle Embroidery Machine and am not to sure what types of concerns I should have before purchasing. My friend has a screening/embroidery business and he is wanting something more than a single head machine since his embroidery business is getting too large. He is willing to have me purchase a machine and then run the embroidery through me. My concern is, I have no idea about used machines and if buying something 5 or 6 years old in this type of business is a bad idea. As well I am not sure how easy it is to get a technician in to service the machine(located in WA State) and I really have no knowledge of what is a good reliable brand to be purchasing.

We are a soccer/sports apparel business so most of our embroidery is of left chest logos and small numbers, we also do hats and stuff like that.

If anyone has some helpful info about this type of machine and or any ideas about my situation I would love to hear from you!!


United States
SunEmbroidery's picture

I would definitely see the machine run (all heads), doing flats and caps. I would get an embroidery design (disk) with an embroidered sample from my friend, have that design run on the 6 heads and carefully compare the different samples. Better yet, If you aren't familiar with embroidery have your friend compare the samples. Also ask to see if the machine has been serviced by a technician and check to see if there is a SWF Tech in your area (call SWF). You could also have a tech go over the machine before purchasing it. I don't have an SWF but I've heard they are good machines. Five or six years isn't that old for a well-maintained machine. The one thing I would investigate is the switch over from flats to caps. IMO that used to be awkward with SWF's but I've heard that problem has been improved in the newer models.

I've owned 2 now...
The early models had color machines
More so on caps-registration issues...
Anything above 2005 newer are the best bang for the buck..
Tajima's are WAY OVERPRICED for what they are..

I agree with SunEmbroidery if you are not familiar with embroidery machines definitely take someone with you who is. I recently purchased a 2002 SWF 6 needle single head machine. I took the H test design to run through all the needles. The reason this machine was for sale was because it would break needles, 3 broke when I tested it. The problem was the cutter block shim was bent and not letting the blade fully retract. It cost me 148.00 to replace the cutter block and now it runs and good as my 2007 SWF.
If you do purchase the machine one thing I would look into buying is a USB Linker for it. That converts it over to a USB drive instead of a floppy drive. The good thing about SWF is the floppy drive is not proprietary meaning if you need to change the floppy drive you can buy one off the shelf and replace it.


We have 2 of that exact model running everyday on a 12 hour shift. They keep on running and turn out great work. Check the machine out, do some run outs and go from there. Keep them well oiled and greased and you should get many more years out of it. I find SWF very easy machines to tear apart and with some good phone support you can almost always get it fixed and up and going on your own. You will run into problems but that will be with any machine.

Have fun...

Sadly I must disagree ... I think SWF's are terrible machines. I've owned 2 and had nothing but problems with both of them. One used one I sold right away, and the one I purchased new I made SWF take back. They have awful support, no matter what they preach.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY disagree with what PK9111 tajimas are so incredibly worth the money! They are so nimble and smooth and product such a better stitch. Run the same job on an SWF vs. Tajima, and I guarantee the tajima will blow the swf out of the water.

Buy a tajima, and an swf, and if you think the SWF is better, I will personally buy the tajima off of you for whatever you paid for it. Thats how strongly I feel about them. The only thing that could possible one-up a tajima is a barudan, I own two 8 head and one 6 head barudan, they are incredible too.

Stay with a japanese machine, you will never go wrong.