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Epilog laser

I bought an Epilog 75 Watt EX24 six months ago and I am ready to kick it to the curb. Within the last five months we have replaced the laser twice and the modulator once. We are getting our third vector grid because the new grid warps at the drop of a hat. The laser bed will not stay square and all of a sudden the laser starts burning 1/8 off from the starting point. Within the last week or so the laser power has again lost power.

The factory has been very good about sending replacement parts, how ever they are all rebuilt. I now have a new machine and quite a bit of business with a failing machine. This new business was going to make it possible to retire from my regular job and secure my living in retirement.

Has any one else had these kinds of problems with Epilog? Does anyone have a suggestion to my mess? I can’t afford to replace my laser with another brand until this one is paid for.

Any help out there?

If I was having that much trouble with a new piece of machinery, I would make them take it back and refund my money, or replace it with another one. Epilog is a reputable company, and I think they should make right one of their lemons. You need to scream and kick to keep their attention.

Have you talked to your local guy you bought it from? Our local people here in Texas are great. We bought one because they were well recommended and we have had no problems getting help. Perhaps its time to tell your dealer AND Epilogue how you feel.

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