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Laser cutting text and outlines

Fellow laser users,

As a newcomer to Corel, I am asking for some assistance.

Needing help in working with text and outlines. I am planning on laser cutting two-color letters from twill/vinyl with the main body of the letter being one color and the outline being a different color. This is referred to as KIS cutting I believe. So I need two hairline outlines as the laser sees hairlines as cuts.

It may be that the process that I am using is not the most direct or even correct, however, I will try to explain. I started with regular text and created the hairline outline without any trouble. This will be the vector used to cut the body shape of the main letter. To get the outline of the second color to be larger, I copied and pasted the original text. Then I increased the width of the outline to meet my needs. Now is where I need help. How can I weld the copied text with the new wider outline to form the new text body? By welding them together hopefully I can then associate a new hairline outline around the welded text to be my outer most laser cut.

Or would someone share a more direct method to accomplish this same goal.

Clear as mud????? TIA

I use photoshop to do that. First in corel (or whatever) create the effect your looking for. Then save the file in a vector format which photoshop can open.

In photoshop, open the file at a fairly high resolution like 600 dpi. This will give you a high resolution color raster file. Then simply use the magic wand tool (with “contiguous” NOT checked) and select the colors, then right click “make working path”. Then in the file menu “export” “paths to illustrator”. Set the “tolerance” to 2.0, if you get too many points, raise the number, to few lower it. Since you are tracing a raster file, the resulting auto trace will also be perfect. The only limit on perfection is how high of a resolution file you work with.

Go back to corel and open the new path file. Select all and set the stroke width to .001″ and cut.

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