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What products sell?

OK, here’s a different sort of question. What is selling well? I’ve been CNC engraving for a while, but have started a new business, and am looking at buying a laser engraver. I’ve started a surf company (we’re in Hawaii), and we’re already making window stickers, t-shirts, and other clothing, hats, etc. with our logo. But I want to do a bunch of lasered stuff. What’s selling well out there? What would you recommend as far as products go? I’m thinking of acrylic and metal keychains, but what else?

What is CNC engraving? I am new to all of this.

That would be engraving using a CNC milling machine or something similar. I think it may be referred to as “rotary engraving” by folks on this list.

A CNC (computer numerically controlled) mill is similar to a laser engraving machine. The x and y axes of the table are controlled and the height of the z axis is controlled by a computer, often an inexpensive PC.

The bit is a shaft a sharp point that is spinning at several hundred or thousand RPM. The Z axis is lowered until the bit penetrates the material surface by a few thousandths of an inch. Then the X and Y axes are moved to scratch a drawing into the surface. Then the Z axis is raised and X and Y are moved to start a new line or arc.

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