By Anonymous (not verified) on
Feb. 24, 2006
I'm thinking of possibly getting an advertising space in the yellow pages in the future for my embroidery and screen printing business. What do you guys think waste of money or good investment? Thanks guys.
United States
Re: Advertising your embroidery/printing business in the yellow
I had a nice colored half page ad some two years ago for my embroidery business. It cost a lot of money and in return I only had a couple phone calls of which none turned into an order. I'm not too sure if other embroiderers have the same experience, but I wouldn't be placing an ad again. I don't think it was my ad either because I had done professionally which added to the cost. Keep in mind that this is my experience and that you may have better luck than I did. Also it was two years ago, but I'm sure nothing much changed except maybe they raised the rates.
Re: Advertising your embroidery/printing business in the yellow
My experience is similar to yours Nicholas. I didn't feel I got my money's worth. So to answer your question bradmeister, it's waste of money. I know of several screen printing companies who also feels the same. I guess it's not such a good idea for our field. Probably works better in some industries than others.
Re: Advertising your embroidery/printing business in the yellow
Vote me in for another unsattisfied customer for advertising in the phonebook. Won't do it again either.
Re: Advertising your embroidery/printing business on the yellow
word of mouth is the best for me.
when you are good people find you real fast.(not bragging, just what i have been told)
Re: Advertising your embroidery/printing business on the yellow
Thanks everyone for your input. Much appreciated. I guess I should save my money.