M&R Gauntlet II - GREAT COND. - 18 months old.

United States


M&R Gauntlet Series II - 18 months Old
Model # GRTR 12-10

12 Station, 10 Color Automatic - (serial #120564271G)
Servo Driven / AC Heads / 10 Squeegee Air Regulators
+ alot more unbelievable options.....

10 - 16” x 22” Adult pallets
10 - 12” x 22”Youth pallets
10 - 4” x 22” Sleeve pallets
10 - 16” Squeegee/Floodbar

1 Cayenne “D” Quartz Flash 18”x22” w/Stand (serial #120664510C)
1 M&R Tacana (In Head) “D” Quartz Flash 45x50 (serial #120564227T)

PHOTO’S can be seen here: http://www.swago.com/gauntlet.htm

We are located in Hallandale, Florida.

For more information or to come down and see the machine,
please contact Sharon at (954) 563-8250
or email me directly at customercare@swago.com

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