Mutoh Valuejet 64" Model VJ-1604A

United States

For Sale: Mutoh Valuejet 64" Model VJ-1604A; SN: FB6A000172. Asking $8500 OBO. RTR# 101071-1

All offers including offers at the asking price are subject to review and acceptance by our client.

There are 5 Comments

crystalthomas wrote:
For Sale: Mutoh Valuejet 64" Model VJ-1604A; SN: FB6A000172. Asking $8500 OBO. RTR# 101071-1

Hi, Im interesting in your Valuejet. But maybe problem the transport (I living at Hungary, Europe).
Can you tell me how many years old your machine, how many m2 did it work?
Maybe can you send me a nozzle check picture?

