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Solar-active embroidery threads

I saw these types of threads at a show before but never had the time to investigate. Ok what really happened was I forgot all about it because of hubby :P. I must be getting older. Can someone please provide more info about these threads like is it bad for toddlers to wear because of chemicals possibly? Do you treat them like other embroidery threads? I really don’t know anything about them at all. Thanks guys and gals.

Solar Active threads basically look dull indoors, but when they are exposed to sunlight outdoors they become very colorful, wonderful and lively like magic! It’s a conversation starter for sure. Yes it’s safe for everybody to wear, including toddlers. Some things you have to keep in mind is that colors are limited, wash them and dry them gently and don’t bleach them or take them to the dry cleaners. And finally, do not iron directly on the thread!

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